2021 Monthly Status Update: August


What a great month August was! I have been spending lots of time with my new baby at home and have been reading A LOT. Plus we’ve been getting out and starting to do things as a family, like going to events and a local country fair. It’s been so exciting to go on adventures as a new family of three! During all this I read some awesome books, so here is my reading progress for August:

Monthly Stats:
# books read this month: 14
# pages read this month: 5,068
# books read year-to-date: 75
# pages read year-to-date: 26,141

Other Posts this month:

Nothing to report from this past month!

Favorite books from this month:

Runaway Girl by Tessa Bailey – 4.75 stars
You Were Always Mine by Nicole Baart – 4.75 stars
Beach Read by Emily Henry – 4.75 stars

Next Month TBR List:

  • When Sparks Fly by Helena Hunting

September is one of my favorite months of the year, and this year especially I have a lot to look forward to! My mom and I both have our birthdays in September and we have a series of events planned. And with the new addition to our family this year we have even more to celebrate! I will still be on leave for the next month so there will continue to be some additional time for reading. I’ve been making great headway with my backlogs from prior years and I’ll hopefully continue to make progress with this.

Happy reading everyone!

2 thoughts on “2021 Monthly Status Update: August

  1. Happy early birthday and that’s great you read so many books last month! I also really love September when hopefully the weather starts to cool down. We have a really short period of time here between summer 80-100 degree weather and 30 and below temps (Fahrenheit). So I always look forward to wearing fall clothing, pumpkin patches, Apple orchards, and corn mazes!

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